Feb 12, 2020
Why I keep books I am never going to re-read.
If you visit Dog Eared Books on a regular basis or even read my blog posts, you would have noticed that I’m a big fan of kids books. Even...
Feb 1, 2020
Short Stories - Yes or No?
In the past, I was never sure about short stories. I understood (in theory) the beauty and style required, but I’m normally such a fast...
Jan 15, 2020
Books about Bookshops (and Libraries) because who can resist!
Hands up the booklovers! Yes, I see you all there. There is something all encompassing about books. Maybe because they’ve been around for...
Jan 5, 2020
Best books of 2019
I have read over 200 books last year. That’s not counting the ones I started and only got a third of the way in before deciding I...
Dec 15, 2019
How to Read More (The Definitive Guide)
As it is nearing the end of the year and those Goodreads challenges are looking very far behind or you just haven’t gotten to that stack...
Dec 1, 2019
Reading Challenge 2019
I've never been able to complete a reading challenge before. It's obviously not because I don't read enough books, but because I get...
Nov 15, 2019
Books with Disabilities and Mental Health Issues for Tweens & Young Adults
There is so much more discussion about Disabilities and Mental Health than there ever was when I was a child. In general media, in kids...
Nov 1, 2019
Favourite Book Covers
Lots of people comment on how pretty certain covers are, often buying a book purely on the strength of that beauty. I know of some other...
Oct 17, 2019
Adaptations of Books that even though they are unfaithful, they’re still brilliant...
Most book-lovers poo-poo any film or television adaptation of their favourite books. It is objectively often true that adaptions are a...
Oct 1, 2019
Favourite quotes from books
A few months ago I did a post about the favourite first lines of favourite books. However lots of people love quoting from the meat of...